- We want to be a part of your future!

Job Detail

1990 - Software Engineer - Minneapolis, MN

The company is building a DevOps culture that encourages collaboration and quickly turn around the components of Q, Development and Operations to work together to deliver service to their customers.  A major effort is moving applications to the Cloud.

You will be a member of a team that is building intergrative software solutions for B2B applications.  Will be regularly thinking about API standards, shared services, integrating software.

If you are a creative with intellectual curiosty to develop creative solutions, this is likely to be a very rewarding environment for you.  3+ years in software development using interpretive languages is the type of experience that gets you developing creatively.

Some of the tools this company use include Python, Ruby, Java, Javascript, CSS, HTML, NoSQL in frameworks such has Angular, Django, Rails.


Terry Bonertz
952-841-9510 ext.1
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