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Job Detail

2119 - Project Manager - South Twin Cities Sub

New PM role to build out process.

Project Manager - Contract to hire – might do direct hire

Client has about 25 people in IT and about 1000 overall.

40 some locations across the US.


They do not have any Project Management processes in place.

They used to several years ago, but they got to be too much overhead and they got rid of them.

Now, they know they need processes in place, but they want them to be right for their company.

Looking for someone to help define the processes and implement them.

At the same time they would be managing a couple smaller projects.


Their environment is:

- Fast paced

- Okay to fail

- iterative process

- open to criticism - constructive

- treat everyone as equals


The team will likely grow over time, but they want to start with one person.

Terry Bonertz
952-841-9510 ext.1
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