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Job Detail

2027 - Business Analyst - Minneapolis, MN

Reason for opening.   

A person is leaving because the drive was too far. 


Want to see reporting experience.  They use SSRS and SSIS. 

EDI - able to trouble shoot.  Need to know day to day function but NOT mapping.  They use Gentran.  They will train Gentran.


Business Analyst working closely with the users.  Will be on the front line.  Will learn more about Process Engineering and SQL Server.  Current projects include imaging systems because they are imaging all their documents.  This is also a smaller shop so will wear a lot of hats and they always have something new going on so always learning new things. 

Hiring Director

The hiring Director since 2006.  He started at the company as a P/A/DBA in 2001.  Very good guy, easy to get along with.

Flexible and family friendly.  He believes you should take care of your family.

Personal Characteristic that makes a person successful in this role:

High level of customer service skills, on the ball, take charge.

Good sense of humor, self starter, have to figure things out on your own, be a team player.

What made the last guy successful was he was a good people person, very good with the customers, laid back, dependable, dig and learn.

They will hold a person's hand to learn the ropes moving them toward being on your own.


Tight nit team, they work very well together.

Fun things:

The hiring Director does two team events every year for the IT team.  For example he took them to Escape MSP where they were put in a room with clues then you have to figure out how to get out, really fun event.  They do barbeques. 

The company has great Christmas parties with great gifts. 

Terry Bonertz
952-841-9510 ext.1
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